Thursday, December 31, 2009


New scarecrow coming in 2010.

High Voltage

How cool is this. Vines have consumed part of the power lines to form one heck of an ominous looking scarecrow.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Woods

There's something out there. It lives... out in those woods, in the dark... something... something that's come back from the dead.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Costumes from 2003

Going through some old pictures of Halloween costumes and thought I'd share this one of us. Ames and I attended a charity costume party for Children's Hospital where I was Narcissic, a cenobite and Ames was Chiana from Farscape. Ames looked fantastic and she received a lot of great compliments. I remember getting the evil eye and hearing a few nasty comments from people that thought my costume was too gruesome and hardcore.

Funny note: I had pieces of flesh hung on fish hooks on the front of my costume. The barbs were dull but kept snagging Ames costume while we were dancing.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Harvester

Here is an awesome scarecrow mask by Sinister Studio. Obvious Dark Night of the Scarecrow resemblance and they nailed it.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ol' Scratch

"Then it really is Old Scratch knocking on the door."

Image source


Prince of Darkness happens to be one of my favorite films and soundtracks. Alan Howarth and John Carpenter's collaboration is brilliant on this score. This music inspires me the most while working on a new prop. I really want to pick up the 2 disc cd set that's now available.
Listen to samples here

Thursday, December 24, 2009

~Merry Christmas to All~

Be safe, be thankful, and enjoy this holiday season. And for goodness sake don't try to eat any Christmas beads! ; )

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Welcome to Silent Hill

Ever since I saw Silent Hill, I wanted to replicate the city welcome sign shown in the movie. I liked the neglected appearance of the sign; how the paint was aged and cracked and how falling ash from the burning underground coal had settled on it over the years.

In order to achieve part of this cracked look I needed to use a crackle glaze. For my first time experimenting with this it was pretty easy to work with. I found out quickly that when working with this stuff, speed is your friend. The glaze has to be painted over very quickly with paint or you can botch the whole thing. When painting over the glaze the cracks appear before your eyes, but don't try to brush back over an area you did already or you'll destroy the cracked look. Smaller or bigger cracks can be made depending on how much glaze and paint you apply.

Here's a close up area of the crackling.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Time Keeper

I'm impressed by the originality of this scarecrow. It's very disturbing with many creepy details.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


What I wouldn't give to have access to a house like this...

Monday, December 14, 2009


Strange artwork of Heiko Müller.

Tales from the Darkside

Growing up as a kid in the 80's takes me back. I remember watching a slew of freaky tv shows that came on late at night. The Tales from the Darkside show stands out to me the most. The opening credits combined eerie images, a freaky theme song and a chilling narration. As a child this freaked me out more than the content of the episodes themselves.

One of my best friends when I was a kid lived in the country. I spent much of my weekends at his home playing outside in the woods and in the fields. I remember this eerie woods right on the edge of a field. We came upon it near dusk one day and it looked like it was straight out of the opening credits of the Tales from the Darkside. When the sun started setting we ever got close to creeped us out. These photos remind me of that woods.

Image source

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Newly Discovered Parasite

Talk about disgusting! So far everyone who has seen these pictures was severely freaked out. This newfound species is a type of parasitic louse. It attaches itself inside a fish's mouth and feeds off the fish's tongue. When the fish's tongue has been totally eaten, it remains in the fish's mouth to feed off of food particles the fish eats.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


This is what my garden scarecrow looks like after our first snow storm this winter.

Snow Day

This was taken in our backyard today. Thanks to Old Man Winter, we had a blizzard hit us with over a foot of snow. It was a whopper. Most of the area was shut down in a state of emergency. It's just as well as I had no place I had to get to today anyway. I can't remember the last time we had a blizzard let alone this much snow fall in one storm. It's kind of neat when you don't have to go somewhere and instead you can say "let it snow".
Ames and I spent a good part of the day shoveling, snowblowing and using muscles we had forgotten about since last winter. Ugh! Now we are resting and warming up by sipping some hot cocoa. Ahhh.....

My father called me this morning not in the best of moods. He travels within a 60 mile radius for his job. Last night he was working in a city not too far from us when the storm hit. Most of the roads were shut down so he ended up being stranded there for the night. I told him better there than in a ditch or worse.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

An angry god

I have no idea what this is from but it is stunning. It looks to me like the perfect rendition of what the demon in Children of the Corn would look like. This appears to be an actual prop. Perhaps it was photoshopped but I don't think so. Whatever this beast may be it is wonderfully wicked.

Image source

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Looks sort of scarecrowish to me...if scarecrowish is a word.

Just a few T H I N G S

I am a HUGE fan of John Carpenter's The Thing. Not only is this one of the greatest horror movies of all time, it has the most stunning creature effects ever to come from a horror film. Casey Love, a very talented creature designer and mask maker, has recreated several of these amazing creatures depicted from the film...the Kennel Dog, Norris Worm, and the Blair Monster. All of these pieces have amazing likeness and detail. I believe he originally created all three of these for a private collector, then later decided to make them available in a very limited run. Now if only my pocket book was a little bigger I would add these to my collection in a heartbeat.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Witch's Brew

The ancient words have been heeded
Each witch has brought what was needed
Rare herbs, odd bits, and potions too.
All the fixins for this noxious brew.

- Jan Pierce

Image source

Monday, November 23, 2009

Harry Warden Returns

My Bloody Valentine is one of my favorite slasher flicks. I enjoy movies where the killer could be anyone underneath the costume. I spent a good part of this year assembling the miner costume from the MBV 3D remake that was released earlier this year. Chris Carnel is the stuntman/actor who played the miner in the film. I absolutely loved his performance! I had the pleasure of meeting Chris at a convention last year and he is the most down to earth friendly guy.

Shortly after Halloween a friend and I drove to a county park with real caves, a perfect setting to photograph me as Harry Warden. Unfortunately most of the pictures did not turn out.
I've been wanting to go back to the caves and do a reshoot. This weekend, Ames and I set aside time but found out the park is closed for the year. Needless to say we had to find an alternate location. A week ago I discovered an old shut-down alcohol plant nearby. I spoke with the owner and was granted permission to take pictures there. We were not allowed inside the building as it was being rented, so we had to be creative outside. We talked our friend Julie into playing the "victim" in some shots. We had lots of fun and the shoot went very well. I wish we could have been there closer to dusk but we made the most of it. Here are a few of my favorite shots of the miner.