Sunday, May 29, 2011

Demon Patch

Over the years Midnight Studios selection of high quality masks has grown tremendously. Not to mention their amazing costumes and props. How excited I was to discover they have four crazy pumpkin masks in their lineup. These are insane!
M U S T   H A V E   T H E M   A L L . . .   


Halloween King

Pumpkin Queen


Saturday, May 21, 2011

New Latex Additions

It was time again to add some more Death Studios masks to the 'ol collection. Up first is Crow Killa. It is scultped by Death Studios owner Jeff Keim and is part of their 2011 line up. The burlap texture on this mask is absolutely insane! Jeff said he was ready to pull his hair out during the sculpting process.
Mr. Grim was sculpted for Death Studios by Pete Infelise of the Devil's Workshop and was released in the late 90's. Fortunately it is still being produced by Death Studios as it has been on my mask wish list for a long long time. Pete went on to sculpt Mr. Grimm 2, seen in this earlier post here.