Thursday, July 28, 2011

Convention Memorabilia

Chances are that if you attend a horror convention it means getting some pretty cool stuff. Here is what came home with me from Fright Night Film Fest.

Movie poster signed by JD Feigelson, Larry Drake and Tonya Crowe
Laminated poster
Signed 8x10 by the cast
Soundtrack and promotional cards
The Bubba mask I had signed by the cast
Another highlight at the con was meeting John Carpenter. Here is a man whose work I adore. The meeting was very brief but it was pretty cool to meet such a legendary man. Items at his table were a bit pricey and he was charging separately to get a picture with him so I passed on the photo. Kinda kicking myself now. I'm also ashamed to admit that I left my Halloween III poster at home.  Carpenter was the last one I needed to complete it. Bummer. At least I got him to sign a Halloween poster. Hopefully I can run into him at another con.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dark Night of the Scarecrow Reunion

Well I made the trip to Fright Night Film Fest this past weekend in Louisville, KY.  A long drive but so worth it. I attended this convention solely because of the 30th anniversary of Dark Night of the Scarecrow film. It was the first reunion ever featuring: JD Feigelson (writer of the film), Larry Drake (as Bubba Ritter) and Tonya Crowe (as Marylee Williams).

JD was so gracious, he personally introduced me to Tonya Crowe and Larry Drake. This was Tonya's first convention ever! And Larry Drake, can you say Darkman and Dr. Giggles? Tonya and Larry are such genuine people. It was fun to hear their experiences with making the movie.You could tell they were glad to be there and meet the fans. Chris Rowe was there from VCI Entertainment promoting the movie, another super nice guy. We all talked about the movie for a while and I made sure to get all their autographs (watch for a separate post on this) before I donned the Bubba costume. I made some improvements to the costume itself to be more screen accurate (also separate post to come). All in all the costume was well received and it was amazing to see so many fellow fans that appreciate this movie as I do. I had a great time posing for pictures with everyone. During the Q&A panel, JD even asked me to stand near the stage in costume. What an honor. Afterward he invited me to dinner with the cast. How could I say no to that?
What a lasting experience I will never forget. Needless to say, I had THE  BEST time. I sure hope Larry and Tonya decide to do more conventions.
On with the pics...
Bubba making his debut

Larry Drake, Tonya Crowe and me
The Scarecrow, Tonya and JD Feigelson
The two Bubba's
Tonya, Larry, the Scarecrow and Chris Rowe
Re-enacting last scene in the movie
Yours truly in the flesh with the beautiful Tonya Crowe
The cast and me

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This little guy is our latest addition to the family! We named him Coal. We found him crouched up in a tree in our woods. I don't think we would have seen him if he hadn't been meowing since he is all black. No idea how he got there or where he came from but we took him in and are giving him a good home. He looked pretty malnourished at first but after a week he is putting on weight and looking much better now.